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Indigo Children: Understanding a New Age Concept


The term “Indigo Children” was coined in the 1970s and gained popularity through the writings and research of Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, who studied the human aura and developed the idea of metaphysical human characteristics. The concept was later popularized by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober in their book “The Indigo Children.” Indigo Children are said to be a new generation of children who display remarkable insights, show extraordinary levels of compassion and understanding from an early age, and are often perceived as being born with a higher state of spiritual evolution.

Characteristics of Indigo Children

Empathy and Sensitivity: These children are often highly empathetic and sensitive to their surroundings, which can lead to them being misunderstood by their peers.

Intuitive and Strong-Willed: They are frequently described as having a strong intuition and a willful nature, often challenging established norms and authority.

Creativity and Intelligence: Indigo Children are said to be highly creative and possess an unusually high level of intelligence, often coupled with an artistic flair.

Spiritual Awareness: They often exhibit an early interest in spiritual or mystical topics, showing insights and understandings that are beyond typical developmental norms.

Origins and Development

Metaphysical Beginnings: Nancy Ann Tappe developed a system of classifying people's personalities according to the color of their aura. She noted that, from the late 1960s onward, many children were being born with indigo auras, which led her to identify the phenomenon of the Indigo Children.

Cultural Impact: The concept struck a chord in the late 1990s and early 2000s, with parents and spiritual practitioners observing traits in children that matched the descriptions of Indigo Children, leading to a movement that supports these unique children by providing them with environments that foster their traits.

Criticisms and Controversies

Lack of Scientific Support: The concept of Indigo Children is viewed with skepticism by the scientific community, as there is no empirical evidence to support the existence of an indigo aura or any related supernatural abilities.

Psychological Explanations: Some psychologists argue that the behaviors ascribed to Indigo Children can be explained by known psychological conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Support and Resources

Educational Approaches: Educational methods that emphasize creativity, individuality, and understanding are said to be more effective for children identified as Indigos.

Community Support: Various organizations and groups provide support to children and families that identify with the Indigo phenomenon, offering resources for education and social connection.


The concept of Indigo Children remains largely within the realms of metaphysics and spirituality, resonating with those who seek deeper meaning in human evolution and consciousness. For the community within The Order of Sen-Taur, understanding the potential and challenges faced by Indigo Children can be valuable in nurturing their development in ways that align with their unique attributes.

/home4/sentaurc/ · Last modified: 2024/04/20 11:22 by webmistress

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