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The Hexagram in The Great Seal of Sen-Taur

Symbolism of the Hexagram

The hexagram, a central element of The Great Seal of Sen-Taur, is a potent symbol encompassing the Order's ethos and the mystical principles it holds dear. As an intersection of two equilateral triangles, the hexagram represents a harmony of dualities—spiritual and material, action and reflection, above and below—echoing the Hermetic principle “As above, so below.”

The Seal of Solomon

Within the Seal, the hexagram is also identified as the Seal of Solomon, a symbol of wisdom and a talismanic guide. It echoes the legendary King Solomon's wisdom and his mastery over the spiritual realm. The Seal's depiction in the Order's emblem signifies the balance between the ethereal and the tangible, aiming to harness universal energies in the practice of the Order's rites and teachings.

The Star of David

The hexagram as the Star of David or Magen David serves as a bridge between The Order of Sen-Taur and the rich traditions of Judaism. This linkage reflects the Order's recognition of the hexagram's diverse historical and cultural significance, symbolizing community, identity, and protection.

The Great Seal of Sen-Taur

Three Circles of Protection: Surrounding the hexagram, the triple circles in The Great Seal symbolize protection and the concept of the Trinity, enhancing the sacredness of the symbol.

Magick Circle: The magick circle a part of many esoteric traditions, is represented here, signifying the creation of sacred space where divine energy is contained and cultivated.

Philosophical Integration

The hexagram in The Great Seal is not merely a symbol but an embodiment of The Order of Sen-Taur's philosophy—seeking knowledge and balance in all realms of existence and celebrating the spiritual unity that underlies diverse paths.

The Hexagram and The Great Seal of Sen-Taur: Symbolism Explored

The Hexagram as Unity of Dualities

The hexagram within The Great Seal of Sen-Taur is a profound symbol encapsulating the Order's recognition of the interconnectedness of all things. It represents the harmonious blending of male and female principles, with the interlocking triangles symbolizing the union of opposites: the upward triangle often representing the masculine, the divine, and the element of fire, while the downward triangle represents the feminine, the material world, and the element of water.

Elements and Cosmos

Each point of the hexagram can also be associated with the classical elements and the celestial bodies that play a significant role in the Order's philosophy:

  1. The top triangle points to the heavens, embodying the elements of air and fire, and can be associated with the celestial and the active.
  2. The bottom triangle points to the earth, grounding the symbol in the elements of water and earth, representing the receptive and the nurturing aspects of the cosmos.

Trinity and Circles of Protection

Surrounding the hexagram, the triple concentric circles in The Great Seal serve multiple symbolic functions:

Protection: They create a shield that invokes the ancient and universal practice of casting a circle for safeguarding sacred rituals and spaces.

Trinity: The threefold nature of the circles reflects the concept of the trinity, which appears in various forms across many spiritual traditions, indicating a completeness and a divine wholeness.

Incorporation into The Order's Practices

The use of The Great Seal in the Order’s rituals and meditation practices serves as a visual and symbolic anchor for these deeper meanings. It is a constant reminder of the Order’s commitment to balancing the spiritual and the physical, the male and the female, and the above and below in all its works.

/home4/sentaurc/ · Last modified: 2024/04/17 16:17 by webmistress

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