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The Pentagram: Universal and Specific Symbolism

General Symbolism of the Pentagram

The pentagram, a five-pointed star, has been imbued with rich symbolism and varied meanings throughout history.

Ancient Symbolism: Historically, the pentagram was used in ancient Greece and Babylonia and is linked to various meanings, from representing the five elements to symbolizing health or the human body.

Protection: It has been regarded as a powerful protective symbol, often used to ward off evil.

Elements: Each point of the pentagram is often associated with one of the four classical elements—Earth, Water, Air, Fire—and the fifth point representing Spirit, bringing them into unity.

Wicca and Neopaganism: In modern Pagan traditions, especially Wicca, the pentagram is a symbol of faith, representing the interconnectedness of all life, the cyclic nature of the cosmos, and the elements in harmony.

The Pentagram in The Great Seal of Sen-Taur

Symbol of Humankind: The pentagram within The Great Seal represents humanity and the human quest for divine knowledge. Its upward orientation symbolizes the spirit presiding over the four elements of the material world.

Sign of the Five Virtues: Reflecting the Order's philosophical stance, the pentagram is a sign of the five virtues espoused by the community—knowledge, wisdom, balance, power, and grace—each point a beacon guiding the practitioner’s journey.

Balanced Forces: The integration of the pentagram in The Great Seal visually embodies the principle of balanced forces—physical and spiritual, echoing the Order's embrace of a holistic and interconnected view of the universe.

Usage and Considerations

Ritual Use: The pentagram is central to the ritualistic practice within The Order, used in casting circles for creating sacred spaces and invoking energies.

Moral Guidance: It serves as a moral compass for members, with its points reminding them of their ethical commitments to both the Order and the larger world.

The Pentacle: Symbolism and Practice

Symbolism of the Pentacle

Encircled Unity: The circle around the pentagram represents eternity and infinity, the cycles of life and nature, and the interconnectedness of all things within the universe.

Spiritual Shield: In many traditions, the pentacle is considered a symbol of protection, with the encircling line believed to contain and safeguard the energy within.

Earth-Centered Spirituality: The pentacle is often associated with earth-centered belief systems, emphasizing the grounding of the spirit in the material world and the protection of all living beings.

The Pentacle in Spiritual Practices

Wiccan Altars: The pentacle is commonly found on altars in Wiccan and other Pagan practices as a consecrated item used to invoke the elements, deities, and spiritual energies.

Ritual Use: During ceremonies, the pentacle may serve as a place to consecrate objects, cast spells, or present offerings to the divine.

Magical Workings: Practitioners may use the pentacle as a focal point for meditation, spellwork, or as part of a larger ritual construct, such as in the creation of a protective boundary or casting a circle.

Pentacle in The Order of Sen-Taur

Integrated Symbolism: Within The Order of Sen-Taur, the pentacle may represent the five senses, the five points of fellowship, and the quintessential quest for divine knowledge.

Ethical Reminder: The inclusion of the pentacle in The Great Seal serves as a visual reminder of the Order’s commitment to the Wiccan Rede, ethical conduct, and the pursuit of wisdom.


The pentacle, with its encompassing circle and interwoven pentagram, stands as a multifaceted symbol within both historical traditions and contemporary practices like those of The Order of Sen-Taur. It signifies a harmony of elements, a defense against negativity, and a comprehensive approach to spiritual development.

/home4/sentaurc/ · Last modified: 2024/04/17 16:35 by webmistress

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