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The Seal of Solomon


The Seal of Solomon, a symbol known primarily as a hexagram and occasionally as a pentagram, holds a significant place in religious history, mythology, and occultism. It is often associated with the biblical King Solomon, renowned for his wisdom and his rule over both the natural and the supernatural realms.

Historical Origins

Biblical Accounts: King Solomon, son of King David, is described in various religious texts as a ruler with profound wisdom, wealth, and mystical powers.

Cultural Legacy: The Seal has been adopted across various cultures and is revered within Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Western occult traditions.

Symbolism and Interpretation

Magickal Symbol: Traditionally, the Seal of Solomon is believed to endow its wearer with the ability to command spirits, and it is often used as a protective amulet against negative forces.

Hexagram and Pentagram: While the Seal is commonly represented as a hexagram, some traditions depict it as a pentagram or other complex symbols. Each form is ascribed its specific attributes and powers.

Esoteric and Magickal Traditions

Occult Significance: In esoteric and magickal systems, the Seal of Solomon is considered a powerful talisman for rituals and is believed to possess a wide range of magickal properties, from invoking spirits to offering protection.

Renaissance Magick: The Seal gained prominence in various grimoires of the Renaissance period, where it was used in elaborate magickal rites and conjurations.

The Seal in Contemporary Practice

Modern Occultism: The Seal of Solomon continues to be a subject of study and use in modern occult practices, symbolizing the union of opposites and the mastery over the cosmos.

Cultural Impact: The Seal often appears in popular culture, symbolizing magick and ancient wisdom, and is featured in literature, films, and games.

Controversies and Misconceptions

Confusion with Star of David: The hexagram shape of the Seal is often confused with the Star of David, although the two have distinct origins and meanings.

Misuse and Sensationalism: The Seal’s portrayal in media sometimes leans towards sensationalism, distorting its traditional significance.


The Seal of Solomon is a symbol rich in history, imbued with layers of meaning that span across spiritual and magickal disciplines. Its legacy as a symbol of wisdom, power, and protection continues to influence both esoteric practice and popular culture, making it a subject of enduring fascination and reverence.

/home4/sentaurc/ · Last modified: 2024/04/17 16:56 by webmistress

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