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Books of Interest

This curated list of titles encompasses a range of topics within witchcraft, Wicca, paganism, and magical practices. The books are organized into categories for easy reference.

Foundational Texts on Witchcraft and Wicca

Gerald Gardner, Witchcraft Today (1955): This seminal work by the father of modern Wicca outlines the practices and philosophies of contemporary witchcraft as Gardner encountered them.

Scott Cunningham, Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (1989): A practical guide for individuals who practice Wicca on their own, emphasizing the religion's ethical foundation and rituals.

Raymond Buckland, Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (1986): Often referred to as “Big Blue,” this comprehensive guide covers all aspects of witchcraft, including history, theory, and practice.

Ritual and Magick

Raymond Buckland, Practical Candleburning Rituals (1982): An accessible guide to performing candle magic for different purposes, grounded in various traditions.

D.J. Conway, Celtic Magic (1990): An exploration of the history, mythology, and practices of Celtic magic.

Laurie Cabot with Tom Cowan, Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment (1990): A guide to harnessing personal power through witchcraft and connecting with the earth and moon.

Sabbats and Esoteric Holidays

Janet and Stewart Farrar, Eight Sabbats for Witches (1981): A detailed guide to the eight major Wiccan holidays, their origins, and their celebrations.

Mike Nichols, The Witches' Sabbats (2005): Nichols provides insights and historical context to the celebrations and their significance in modern witchcraft.

Deity Worship in Witchcraft

The Witch's God by Janet & Stewart Farrar (1989): Exploration of the various god archetypes worshipped in modern pagan traditions and how to connect with them.

Advanced and Specialized Studies

Israel Regardie, John Michael Greer (ed.), The Golden Dawn (1937): Documents the rituals and doctrines of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, foundational for many modern ceremonial magic practices.

Christopher Penczak, et al., Laurie Cabot's Book of Shadows (2015): Offers insights into the specific practices and spells used by a renowned witch.

The Kabalion by The Three Initiates: An exploration of Hermetic philosophy, detailing principles such as mentalism, correspondence, and vibration. (Free PDF download link at the bottom of this article.)

Historical and Cultural Studies

Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America (1979): An in-depth look at the modern pagan movement in America, based on extensive interviews and participatory research.

Additional Resources

Get The Kabalion by The Three Initiates in PDF: here

Forgotten Books: Specializes in the restoration of old books, with a vast collection available for reading online or purchase. Forgotten Books is a London-based book publisher specializing in restoring old books, both fiction and non-fiction.

They have 1,294,132 books available to read online, download as ebooks, or purchase in print. See their full list Visit Forgotten Books

Additional Scholarly Resources

Dr. Justin Sledge's Esoterica Library For those seeking a scholarly dive into the world of esotericism, Dr. Justin Sledge’s recommendations provide an invaluable resource. As a scholar specializing in the intersection of philosophy, religion, and magic, Dr. Sledge curates a list of essential readings that explore deep esoteric traditions and complex philosophical themes. His list is ideal for advanced students and practitioners who wish to expand their understanding in a more academic direction.

Highlights from Dr. Sledge's Library:

Philosophical Foundations: Works that trace the philosophical underpinnings of esoteric beliefs.

Historical Texts: Books that explore the historical development of magical and mystical traditions.

Practical Magic: Guides and manuals on various magical practices from an academic viewpoint.

For direct access to Dr. Sledge’s complete library and specific book recommendations, visit his official website: Dr. Justin Sledge's Esoterica Library.

This resource complements the hands-on, practical guides by providing a more theoretical and comprehensive look at esoteric practices through the ages. Whether you are a practitioner or a scholar, Dr. Sledge’s library is a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be explored.

Find Dr Sledge's list Esoterica Library.

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