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Egyptian Pantheon

African Pantheons

Egyptian Pantheon: Worth deep exploration due to its influence on later cultures.

West African and Yoruba: Other groups like the Akan, Igbo, and Fon also have rich pantheons.

Orisha Religion: Beyond Yoruba to include similar systems in Santería and Candomblé due to the African diaspora.

The Egyptian Pantheon

Amun-Ra - Originally Amun and Ra were separate entities; Amun was a mysterious god whose power lay in the hidden and the unseen, and Ra was the sun god. Over time, they merged into Amun-Ra, embodying creation and the sun, making him a supreme deity in the Egyptian pantheon.

Osiris - God of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead. Osiris is best known for his death at the hands of his brother Set and his subsequent resurrection by his wife, Isis. This story symbolizes the cycle of crop regeneration and eternal life.

Isis - Goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and protection. Isis is revered for her role as the devoted wife who resurrects Osiris and the protective mother of Horus. She is one of the most important goddesses, often depicted with wings and seen as the epitome of maternal devotion.

Set - God of chaos, desert, storms, and war. Set is known for murdering his brother Osiris and battling with his nephew Horus to claim the throne. His complex role includes being a protector of Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld.

Horus - The falcon-headed god of the sky, and kingship. Horus is most well-known for avenging his father's death and ruling Egypt, symbolizing the pharaoh’s divine right to rule.

Anubis - God of mummification and the afterlife. Anubis is depicted as a man with a black jackal head. He presides over the embalming process and guides souls into the afterlife.

Thoth - God of writing, knowledge, and wisdom. Thoth is depicted either as an ibis or a baboon and is credited with the invention of writing and the mediator of godly disputes.

Hathor - Goddess of love, beauty, music, and joy. Hathor is also known as the “Mistress of the West,” welcoming the dead into the next life. She is often depicted as a cow goddess with horns in which the sun disk is nestled.

Sobek - Crocodile god associated with the Nile and protection. Sobek is seen as a potent and fearsome deity who controls the waters and helps fertility, linked to military prowess.

Sekhmet - Goddess of war and healing. She is depicted as a lioness, the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians. Her violent nature was believed to ward off disease and evil.

Bastet - Initially a lioness warrior goddess of the sun, Bastet evolved into a major protective deity represented as a cat. She is associated with music, dance, joy, and love.

Ptah - God of craftsmen, creation, and the arts. Ptah is a creator god who speaks creations into existence, often depicted as a mummified man holding a scepter that combines the symbols of life and power.

Nut - The sky goddess, whose body creates a vault or canopy over the earth. Nut is considered the mother of the sun and moon and is depicted as a woman arched protectively over the earth.

Geb - Earth god and father to snakes and crops. Geb is depicted as a man lying beneath the sky goddess Nut, often with green skin to symbolize vegetation.

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