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Hindu Pantheon

Brahma - The god of creation and one of the Trimurti, the holy trinity of Hinduism alongside Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is responsible for the creation of the universe and all living beings. He is typically depicted with four heads, each representing the four Vedas (the most sacred scriptures of Hinduism).

Vishnu - The preserver and protector of the universe, also part of the Trimurti. Vishnu maintains the order and harmony of the cosmos, incarnating on earth through his avatars (the most famous of which are Rama and Krishna) whenever dharma (moral order) is threatened.

Shiva - Known as the destroyer or transformer, Shiva is the third member of the Trimurti. His role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it. Shiva is worshipped in many forms and is often depicted with a third eye, a crescent moon on his head, and the river Ganges flowing from his hair.

Durga - A fierce goddess who embodies feminine power and the victory of good over evil. Durga is depicted riding a lion or tiger, wielding weapons in her many arms. She is particularly celebrated during the festival of Navaratri.

Kali - The goddess of death, time, and doomsday, often associated as a darker aspect of Durga. Kali is revered for her power over death and her protection against evil.

Ganesha - The elephant-headed god of wisdom, success, and good fortune. He is the remover of obstacles and is invoked at the beginning of any new venture or journey. Ganesha is one of the most beloved deities in Hinduism.

Krishna - An avatar of Vishnu and a central figure in the Hindu epic, the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna is worshipped as a deity of love, compassion, and tenderness. His life story and teachings are deeply revered.

Lakshmi - The goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual). She is the consort of Vishnu and is often depicted with four arms, representing the goals of a successful life: dharma, kama, artha, and moksha.

Saraswati - The goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and learning. She is the consort of Brahma and is worshipped by students and scholars alike.

Hanuman - A devotee of Lord Rama (an avatar of Vishnu) and a central figure in the Ramayana. Hanuman is worshipped as a symbol of strength, perseverance, and devotion.

Rama - Another major avatar of Vishnu, whose life story is the subject of the Ramayana, an epic narrative of duty, righteousness, and dharma.

Parvati - The consort of Shiva and the mother goddess representing fertility, love, beauty, harmony, and devotion. Parvati is considered a reincarnation of Sati, Shiva’s first wife, and is the mother of Ganesha and Kartikeya.

Kartikeya - The god of war and victory, often depicted riding a peacock. He is the son of Shiva and Parvati and is known as a youthful and fierce deity.

Indra - The king of the gods and ruler of the heavens. Indra is the god of rain, thunder, and storms, and a warrior deity who wields a thunderbolt.

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