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Ethical Practices


Within The Order of Sen-Taur, ethical practices in spirituality are paramount, providing a moral compass for our leaders and members alike. This page discusses the responsibilities of spiritual leaders within our Covens, the ethical use of magick and psychic abilities, and the overall ethical conduct expected within our Order.

Ethical Responsibilities of Leaders in The Order of Sen-Taur

Role and Responsibilities of Coven Leaders

  1. Overview: Leaders, including High Priestesses and High Priests, serve as spiritual guides, educators, and role models within the Order.
  2. Key Responsibilities: Upholding the Order's traditions, providing spiritual and ethical guidance, ensuring the safety and well-being of all members, and fostering an environment of respect and spiritual growth.
  3. Accountability: Leaders are expected to act with integrity, transparency, and honesty, maintaining the trust placed in them by the community.

Ethical Use of Magick and Psychic Abilities

  1. Guiding Principles: Members are taught to use their psychic and magickal abilities with wisdom, ensuring that their actions are always aligned with the Wiccan Rede: “An' Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Wilt.”
  2. Consent and Privacy: It is vital that any psychic reading or magickal work involving other individuals is conducted with explicit consent, respecting personal boundaries and confidentiality.

Conduct and Community Ethics

  1. Community Interactions: Ethical conduct in interactions within the community is emphasized to create a supportive and nurturing environment for all members.
  2. Inclusivity and Respect: Embracing diversity and ensuring that all members feel valued and respected regardless of background or personal path.

Ethical Development and Guidance

Mentorship Programs: Senior members and leaders provide mentorship to newer members, guiding them not only in their spiritual practice but also in ethical living.

Ongoing Ethical Training: Regular workshops and discussions on ethics ensure that members are aware of their responsibilities and the ethical standards expected within the Order.

Addressing Ethical Challenges

Conflict Resolution: Processes are in place for addressing disputes or ethical concerns within the community, ensuring that conflicts are resolved in a manner that is fair and in line with our ethical standards.

Transparency in Decision-Making: Ensuring that all decisions, especially those affecting the community, are made transparently and with community input where appropriate.


The ethical framework of The Order of Sen-Taur is designed to foster a trustworthy, respectful, and spiritually enriching environment. By adhering to these principles, our leaders and members ensure that the Order remains a place of spiritual growth and ethical integrity. This commitment to ethical practice not only enhances individual spiritual journeys but also strengthens the fabric of our entire spiritual community.

/home4/sentaurc/ · Last modified: 2024/04/23 17:08 by webmistress

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