Table of Contents

Ascension in Spiritual and Metaphysical Practices


Ascension refers to the spiritual or evolutionary process through which individuals elevate their consciousness and attain higher spiritual awareness. This concept is prevalent in various spiritual and New Age beliefs, where it is seen as a path toward achieving enlightenment, greater wisdom, and a deeper connection with the divine.

Philosophical and Theological Background

Roots and Variations: The idea of ascension can be traced back to multiple religious and spiritual traditions, including Christian mysticism (the ascent to heaven), Eastern philosophies (spiritual enlightenment), and modern metaphysical teachings (evolution of consciousness).

Modern Interpretations: In contemporary spiritual circles, especially those influenced by New Age and metaphysical thought, ascension is often linked to transformations in human consciousness aligned with cosmic cycles and energetic shifts in the universe.

Core Beliefs in Ascension

Expansion of Consciousness: Ascension involves expanding beyond physical and mental limitations to embrace broader, more spiritually aligned perspectives.

Evolutionary Leap: Many adherents believe that humanity is undergoing or is poised to undergo an evolutionary leap in consciousness, moving from a materially focused existence to a more spiritually enlightened state.

Connection with Higher Dimensions: Ascension is associated with connecting or aligning with higher dimensions of reality, where higher forms of truth and existence are accessible.

Practices and Techniques

Meditation and Visualization: Techniques aimed at elevating consciousness, including guided meditations that foster a deeper connection to higher spiritual realms.

Energy Work: Practices such as Reiki, qigong, and other forms of energy healing are believed to clear energetic blockages, facilitating the ascension process.

Sacred Geometry and Symbols: Utilizing symbols believed to hold universal knowledge and energy, aiding in the alignment of one’s energy with cosmic frequencies.

Community and Group Work: Participating in group meditations, workshops, and retreats focused on ascension practices, which can amplify the collective energy and aid in the ascension process.

Stages of Ascension

Awakening: Initial realization of a greater reality beyond the physical senses, often triggered by a profound personal or spiritual experience.

Purification: Clearing old patterns, karma, and negativity that weigh down one's vibrational energy. Integration: Incorporating new insights and energies into daily life, achieving balance and harmony between spiritual experiences and practical existence.

Service: Using higher awareness and energies to serve and uplift others, often seen as a key aspect of the advanced stages of ascension.

Challenges and Guidance

Navigating Changes: Ascension can lead to significant changes in relationships, careers, and personal priorities. Guidance from experienced spiritual mentors can be invaluable.

Physical and Emotional Effects: The energy shifts associated with ascension can sometimes manifest as physical symptoms (often called “ascension symptoms”) or emotional upheavals. Supportive practices such as yoga, holistic health approaches, and community support are recommended.


Ascension is a transformative journey that raises one's vibrational energy and consciousness, aligning individuals with their highest spiritual potential. It involves both personal effort and the universal grace that facilitates the spiritual evolution of humanity. For practitioners within The Order of Sen-Taur, understanding and integrating the principles of ascension can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper fulfillment of one's spiritual mission.