====== Curriculum Vitae ====== ===== Rev Mother, Sister Mary Kateryn ===== {{:sisterkate.jpg?nolink&200 |}} ---- sister.kate@sen-taur.com **1974-1984** Dedicated to being a seeker and eventual leader in the metaphysical community. Study of divination, magickal, and esoteric arts. Particular study in Tarot Card symbolism, meanings, and reading. **1983** Awarded a Certificate in Secretarial Training, C.O. Bastian High School, Caliente, Nevada. **1986 -1986** Westland College of Business, Sacramento, California. **1984-1989** Study in all areas of ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception) and psychic phenomenon. Particular study in the Qabalah, The Western Mystery Tradition, meditation, exercises, and disciplines to enhance psychic abilities. **1989 – Present** Membership in The Order of Sen-Taur, formerly based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Continuing education in metaphysical and Wiccan studies. **1989 – 1996** Initiated into the Inner Circle of The Order of Sen-Taur. Commencing formal study and practice of metaphysical sciences under Rev M. N. Antone Wood, D.D., noteworthy studies in psychic readings, mediumship, and divination with tarot card readings, runes, tea leaves, and sticks; continuing education, research, and practice in subjects such as aura reading, astrological correspondences, handwriting analysis, psychic counseling, past life regression, astral projection, and healing techniques and teaching these mystical techniques to others. **1994 - 1995** Certificate Awarded from Our Lady of Enchantment, Correspondence Course on Metaphysics, and The Divine Circle of the Sacred Grove, Correspondance Course on Irish Witta. **1991 – 1996** Elevated to the rank of Priestess in The Order of Sen-Taur, made acting High Priestess and performed professional metaphysical services for select clients, including Tarot Cards and Aura readings, Astrological and handwriting analysis, and general spiritual guidance for clients. **1992** – Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church. Obtained the rank of High Priestess and taught Wicca and metaphysical classes for select students. **1993** Published two articles for the International Guild of Sorcerers Magazine. 1) For the Young Who Seak the Realms of Magick and the Paths of the Ancient Ones. 2) The Magick of the Wind. **1994** General Education Diploma Awarded, Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, Utah. **1995 – 1997** Performing professional psychic Tarot Card readings for clients. Spiritual metaphysical guidance and psychic readings. Teaching metaphysics and psychic reading techniques. Wrote correspondence courses in reading Tarot Cards and how to draw on innate psychic abilities and visualization to give accurate professional psychic readings: Co-owner and Office Manager of The Mountain Moon Metaphysical Gifts. **1997** Metaphysical catalog published and included herbs, spices, oils, teas, and incense; tarot decks and other metaphysical products. **1997** Published two articles for the Microsoft Network. 1) Yule – a commentary on Yule Traditions 2) A monthly Metaphysical Advice Column on MSN’s online magazine. **1997** Awarded a Certificate from Homecoming Financial, Class in Mortgage Origination and Processing. **1998** Financial Strategies, Course in Mortgage Law and Mortgage Origination. Certificate Awarded. **2000 - 2003** Member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, Medford, Oregon, served as Inner Guard and Chaplain. **2003 – 2019** Solitary Practice, Christian Tradition Study, Biblical Study, Ceremonial and Ministerial Study. World history study focusing on Sumerian and Mesopotamian writing and texts. **2019 – 2020** Monastic Study and Benedictine Study, Confirmation in the Episcopal Church Hailey, Idaho, entered into vows as a Novitiate with The Community of Solitude, resigned after a few months. **2020 - 2022** Solitary practice and esoteric study. **2022** The Order of Sen-Taur reformation, including all aspects of the organization, maintaining as much of the original traditions as possible, opening it up for new membership, and re-organizing it from the ground up. **2023** Initiating members and forming covens across the United States, reaching a global audience for The Order of Sen-Taur, and assisting in creating and developing the public-facing websites and several public videos, assisting in the creation of The Order of Sen-Taur Knowledge Base and the Basic Wicca course.