====== Wiccan and Pagan ====== [[charging|Charging]] - The process of infusing an object with personal energy or intention. [[grounding|Grounding]] - A technique used to cleanse the body and mind of negative energy and reconnect with the earth. [[scrying|Scrying]] - The practice of looking into a reflective surface, such as water, mirrors, or crystal balls, to gain mystical insight. [[smudging|Smudging]] - The act of purifying a space using the smoke of sacred herbs like sage or sweetgrass. [[triple_goddess|Triple Goddess]] - The concept of the divine feminine in three aspects: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. [[green_witchcraft|Green Witchcraft]] - A path focusing on nature, herbs, and the use of plant energies in spells and healing. [[eclectic_witchcraft|Eclectic Witchcraft]] - A practice that combines elements from various witchcraft traditions to suit individual preferences and beliefs. ====== New Age ====== [[ascension|Ascension]] - The belief in the spiritual or evolutionary process of raising one's consciousness. [[chakra|Chakra]] - Energy centers within the human body, each corresponding to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual states. [[aura|Aura]] - A field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object often associated with health and emotion. [[crystal_healing|Crystal Healing]] - The use of crystals and gemstones to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. [[energy_vortex|Energy Vortex]] - A location on Earth said to be an exceptionally strong area of energy concentration. [[indigo_children|Indigo Children]] - Individuals believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. [[lightworker|Lightworker]] - A person who is said to have incarnated on Earth for the specific purpose of assisting through spiritual healing. [[shadow_workers|Shadow Workers]] - Explore the transformative role of those who delve into the darker aspects of the psyche for healing and integration. [[advanced_topics_spirituality|Advanced Topics in Spirituality]] ====== The Order of Sen-Taur Specific ====== [[sen_taur_membership_levels|Membership Levels]]