====== Magick Mirror Tutorial - Supplemental ====== Rev. Mother Mary Kateryn ===== Supplies Needed: ​Cost $20-30 ===== * 12" mirror $7.99 at Hobby Lobby * 2- shoe boxes are Free at the post office * 1 bit of DAS modeling clay * Clay molds * E6000 glue * Elmer's glue * Bowl (you don't want to use it for food after.) * Water * Paper towels – plan ridged * Paint brushes (used is fine.) * Acrylic paint black base or gesso * Acrylic paint colors of your choosing; use gold on the black base for an antique look. * Clay shaping tool * Round pizza plate or something similar * A place to work. ==== Step 1 ==== Measure the mirror on the cardboard when it is where you want it, then draw a circle around it. Set mirror aside Determine the outside shape you want. Draw around the outside shape (at least .5" or even 1" bigger than the mirror) in a shape pleasing to you. Measure at least .5" smaller than the mirror and draw a circle around that point for the inner circumference. ==== Step 2 ==== Measure one last time and then cut the exterior shape from all four layers of cardboard. Cut the inner circle out (the marked circle you drew smaller than the mirror's circumference) from only one piece. Set that piece of cardboard aside. ==== Step 3 ==== Glue the three back pieces together; this is your frame base with the E6000 glue. Set aside to dry. ==== Step 4 ==== Mix a bit of water with Elmer's glue. Tear the paper towels into pieces or strips. Coat the entire front piece with the paper towels and glue mixture, and cover all the cardboard with the paper towels. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 5 ==== Mold the clay and let it dry. ==== Step 6 ==== When the base is dry, coat it with paper towels and the glue mixture leaving the place where the mirror will go bare. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 7 ==== Base paint the back of the frame; I used black and let it dry. ==== Step 8 ==== Base paint the front of the frame (The piece that will go on top.) Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 9 ==== If the molded clay decorations are dry, paint them, I only painted the fronts mostly of mine. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 10 ==== Using the E6000 Glue, glue the back of the mirror to the place it goes on the base of the frame. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 11 ==== Glue the front cover to the mirror with the E6000 glue; you can use a clip (clips) if desired. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 12 ==== With paper towels & Elmer's glue mixture, finish the outside edge, and fill in the gaps. Make sure it is completely covered. Set aside and let dry. ==== Step 13 ==== Finish painting the decorations, I used black antiqued with gold, and on the pearls, I did black and then black pearl, and then gold. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 14 ==== Base paint the edges of the frame and any spots you may have missing on the frame, being sure not to get it on the mirror itself. Set aside, let dry. ==== Step 15 ==== Figure out where and how you want your decorations, I put rick-rack around the outside of mine, but you can use anything your imagination comes up with. Using non-diluted Elmer's glue (or a hot glue gun can be used) to glue the clay decorations on. Allow to dry. S==== tep 16 ==== Cleaning – Do not clean with commercial cleaners! Ammonia will destroy magick, so use plain water or mugwort and water. 1 tsp mugwort to 1 c. water. ==== Step 17 ==== Once dry and clean, cover with a black cloth and leave undisturbed until the full moon. ==== Step 18 ==== The night of the full moon, expose to the unfiltered moonlight, if possible; if not, use direct moonlight through a window. Charge the mirror with these words: Lady of the Moon You who sees all things, And knows all knowledge, I consecrate this mirror With your glowing rays That it may illuminate my works Of magick and my life. As I Will So Mote it Be Keep covered when not in use. Expose to the Full Moon unfiltered light three times a year. You can use psychic oil to draw a crescent on the back marking it with the moon's sign. Use only for magick.